Introducing our new Leadership Team as of 8/6/22: Sr. Dorothy Fabritze, Province Leader, and her councilors Sr. Patrice Cosgrove, Sr. Raymond Gazo (First Councilor), and Sr. Mary Anne Bigos.

2022 Nun Run is in the books: Overall winners Andrew Brown and Colleen Hayduk, Sr. Raymond Gazo, MSC and Over 60 winners Robert Madeira and Diane Showers.

Sr. Marie Clark, MSC who serves as Pastoral Associate at St. Mary's Kutztown enjoys volunteering at the Lenten Fish Fry dinner.

Sr. Dorothy Fabritze assists migrant boys of all ages in San Antonio, Texas.

MSC Sisters operated Sacred Heart Home in Coopersburg, PA until the 1970’s. Sr. Elaine was one of many Sisters who thought the children of SHH over the years.
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