The mission of The Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus is to serve those in need of the compassionate love of Jesus; we have been doing this for more than a century in the United States and abroad through such ministries as social work, health care, education, pastoral care, counseling, elder care and parish ministry. With one heart and one mission, we commit ourselves to respond in creative ways to the changing realities of our times.
This mission is reflected in the symbolism of our Cross.
A Reflection on our Cross
Note the movement of the “rays”
in and out, in and out…
They journey to and from the Center…
Behold this Center…It is beyond “image”
because its very Being is God…Love
Allow yourself to behold the bottomless abyss of Love this Center reflects.
From this Center/Love the energy of movement exists.
The movement journeys east and west,
north and south
encompassing the whole global world.

To learn more about our mission in action, see Become a Lay MSC Missionary and visit our Events page.