Our Spirituality
The spirituality of MSC Sisters stems from a theology of the pierced heart of Jesus Christ, and is explained within the Constitutions of the Congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus:
Jesus did not hold fast to his equality with God, but became one of us. He was drawn to the poor, the insignificant, to the suffering and to the sinners. When he laid down his life on the cross, he revealed the depths of God’s compassion. His pierced heart is a symbol of deep love for all persons.
(MSC Sisters Constitutions #4)
From His opened side, we receive His spirit, empowering us to live and proclaim God’s redemptive love and to make visible the new life to which all are called through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
(MSC Sisters Constitutions #5)
For this heart you are in the midst of the world. We have experienced God’s love and are called to share it through our being, and our actions, in all circumstances, at all times.
Fr. Hubert Linckens, MSC letter to MSC Sisters in Reading, PA, 11/5/1913
We invite you to join in our spirituality and to pray with us: