Sister Theresa Lepera, MSC (Thomasita)

1928 – 2024
We marvel at the great works that God has done in the life of our sister, Theresa, and proclaim God’s faithful Love over the past 70 years. God has begun this good work and has now seen it to completion.
Theresa was born in Conshohocken, PA, the third youngest of the fifteen children of Thomas and Carmella Lepera. As a young adult she met our sister, Sr. Helmtrud, MSC while taking a First Aid Course at Sacred Heart Hospital in Norristown, PA. She worked as a secretary before entering the novitiate. Under the direction of Sr. Aquinata, MSC she prepared for First Profession on May 31, 1954.
Embracing both the charism and the spirituality as a Missionary Sister of the Sacred Heart and the knowledge and skills of the nursing profession, Theresa served as the maternity supervisor in Sacred Heart Hospital in Allentown, PA.
During these years she exhibited a tremendous outreach to the poor and found numerous ways to provide for their material needs and to uplift their spirits with love and encouragement.
Transferred to St. Michael Convent, she assumed responsibility for the sisters in temporary vows while being a provincial councilor. Eventually she became Provincial Superior (1977-1983). She guided our sisters with strength and resiliency.
Theresa is known as a woman of great wisdom. She shared this wisdom in word and actions as she accompanied the young sisters during the years of their temporary vows and as she guided the USA Province during the post Vatican II years. She was instrumental in identifying and articulating the charism of the congregation. She spent years accompanying the senior sisters in St. Michael’s Convent with compassion and non-judgmental friendship.
In the following years she completed a Clinical Pastoral Education Course and was then assigned to the Mother of Good Counsel Home for homeless women. Here, living in the midst of these women, she was able to witness to a loving and compassionate God. Her love of the poor and a desire for justice guided her years in ministry.
Her last active ministry was at Sacred Heart Villa where again she showed her administrative skills and compassionate heart. She retired to St. Joseph Villa where she was engaged in a ministry of prayer and compassionate presence with her fellow sisters.
There will be a viewing in St. Joseph Villa (464 St. Bernardine St., Reading, PA) on Sunday, October 20th from 3:00-5:00 p.m. concluding at 4:30 p.m. with Evening Prayer. There will be a viewing 9:00-11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 21st before the Mass of Christian Burial at 11:00 a.m. at Holy Guardian Parish (3121 Kutztown Ave., Laureldale/Reading, PA). Internment in the convent cemetery will follow the Mass.
United in the Love of God,

Sr. Dorothy Fabritze, MSC
Province Leader