Sister Anne Kane, MSC (Lucette)

1940 – 2024
It was Thursday morning, April 4, 2024, when the church community meditated on the words of the risen Jesus “Peace be with you … know that it is I.” (Luke 24: 36, 39) “Then Jesus opened their minds to understand the Scriptures and commissioned his followers “You are witnesses of these things” (Luke 24: 48). These scripture passages speak to the grace which is the life of Sr. Anne Kane.
Sr. Anne was born into a large family of fourteen children. This is where she learned that love is the foundation of life lived together in a family. She imbued a love that specifically was expressed in service to others. Nurtured in this family and imitating her mother’s devoted love and life of service, Sr Anne professed vows as a MSC sister on June 30, 1962.
It was the children at Sacred Heart Home, in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania, who became her family, and she was able to share with these young hearts compassion and the importance of a family spirit.
She went on to share this love by teaching, especially the young, in kindergarten and grade one in schools in Reading, Nazareth, and Northampton.
Eventually, Sr. Anne moved on to St. William Parish in Philadelphia where she worked in pastoral care, especially to the homebound. She continued to share the Peace that our God of Love brings “Peace be with you. It is I.”
Known for her gift to really understand others in a deeper way, for listening with a loving heart, and possessing the gift of Wisdom, Sr. Anne served the MSC community in Formation Ministry, as Coordinator of the Elderly sisters at the motherhouse, and as part of the Province Leadership.
Sr. Anne’s life, her love for others, and service to all were lived evidence that proclaim these words that will be placed on her tombstone “Jesus My Love, My Life, My All.”