Missioning of Sister Marie Clark, MSC

On the Feast of the Epiphany, Sr. Marie Clark was missioned to Province Latina where she will embrace a mission among our Peruvian MSC Sisters. For several years Sr. Marie has taught English as a Second Language in the Reading area and for the past three years has been zooming with women who live in other states. When Sr. Dorothy Fabritze, returned from the General Conference in India with a request for Sr. Marie to zoom English lessons with our sisters in Peru, Sr. Marie offered to spend a year in Lima, Peru to advance the sisters’ English skills.
On January 5th MSC Sisters in Reading held a short Missioning Ceremony at the end of a Holy Hour with Exposition. Upon receiving her Mission Cross for the fourth time (twice for a Mission in Namibia and once for a Mission in Mexico) she spoke these words:
“I joyfully receive this cross as a sign of my willingness to follow Christ faithfully in service and fidelity to my vows as a Missionary Sister of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. May it remind me always of Christ’s great love and of my fellow Sisters’ prayerful support.”
Sr. Marie Clark is now present in Lima, Peru and we, her fellow sisters, sent her forth with loving prayers. We ask that you hold Sr. Marie in your heart and your prayers as she embarks on this new mission of love. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be loved everywhere.