In praise and thanksgiving and in intercession for the world, we proclaim that Jesus is the source of hope for ourselves, for everyone and for all creation. (MSC Constitutions, 55).
Prayer and service are our most powerful connections to our God and to each other. Whether retired or in active ministry, every Missionary Sister of the Most Sacred Heart believes this and participates wholeheartedly in the Missionary Prayer Ministry. When you share your intentions with the Missionary Sisters, whether through our Mass Card Program or through online or personal requests, our Mission Advancement Office forwards your intentions to each and every one of our U.S. Province Sisters. For your intentions, our Sisters then offer their prayer and service to God.
We Sisters are honored to share in your life on this spiritual level. We encourage you to continue your prayerful relationship with us and to initiate such a relationship at any time.

We invite you to join in our Spirituality of the Heart through your daily prayers as we pray:
Memorare to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Remember, Jesus, that no one who turned to you for help or sought your mercy,
was ever abandoned. Filled with great confidence in you, most tender of all hearts,
we turn to you and place ourselves before you, weighed down by our many sins.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, do not ignore our poor and humble petitions, but hear and grant our requests.