MSC Sisters thanks the following businesses and individuals who contributed as ANNUAL EVENT SPONSORS for 2021 and/or Oktoberfest Sponsors – every MSC Sister is extremely grateful for their support. For a complete list of Oktoberfest Sponsors, click here.
Diego & Linda Calderin
Joseph & Barbara Alber
Berks Western Telecom
Fr. George F. Hazler
Team Swann
Arivan Research LLC
Sylvia Wolff
St. Mary's Catholic Church, Kutztown
The Vermillion Family
Bell Ace Hardware
S. Ann Moyer & Martin Hupka
Doug & Helen Didyoung
Tony & Ellen DiGirolamo
First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Ohio
Mario Andretti
Doug and Helen Didyoung
Mr. & Mrs. James Daly
Valetta Eshbach
First Catholic Slovak Ladies Association, Ohio
Fleetwood Bank
Lisa Found
Albert Gaspari
Gethsemane Cemetery
Joe and Janel Kenas
Rose Kubovcsak
Dan and Kathleen Langdon
Irma Lesser
The Loomis Company
Marvin Lubas/Mary Bonner
John & Pat Lonsdale
Nave Newell, Inc.
McGriff Insurance Services
Missionaries of the Sacred Heart - Center Valley Community
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Orlando, Jr.
Performance Toyota
Tom and Ann Pirnot
Victor & Sharon Silimperi
St. Catharine of Siena Parish
Wilkin Family
Frank Yandrisevits
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Orlando, Jr.