Country Meadows Retirement Communities
Sr. Raymond Gazo, MSC serves part-time as the Catholic Chaplain at Country Meadows Retirement Community in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania. Sr. Raymond assist residents with their spiritual needs and hosts a rosary prayer group weekly. Sr. Raymond truly enjoys her ministry and the residents look forward to her visits.
Holy Guardian Angels Regional School and Parish
Sr. Mary Ann Lawrence, MSC ministers to the children and families of HGA Regional School in various ways. During the school year she tutors students two days a week, and she teaches a few classroom lessons throughout the year, such as showing and explaining the sacred vessels used at Mass and the vestments worn by the priest.
When summer arrives, Sr. Mary Ann continues her tutoring at St. Michael Convent and provides testing for children who register for Holy Guardian Angels School. Most of Sr. Mary Ann’s time is spent with kindergarten, first, and second graders whom she says, “truly light up my life!”
In addition to these duties, Sr. Mary Ann recently helped institute a “Prayer Partner Program” through which HGA students write letters to selected individuals including Bishop Schlert of the Allentown Diocese, Sisters in various religious congregations, and seminarians. The children ask for their prayers, they correspond often with each other, and several “Prayer Partners” visit HGA during the school year.
St. Michael Convent
51 Seminary Ave., Reading, PA 19605

Sr. Mary Anne Bigos, MSC and Sr. Bernard Overkamp, MSC share the complicated and rewarding job of caring for the retired and infirm Sisters in residence at St. Michael’s Convent. Sr. Bernard Overkamp, MSC also handles all special mass intentions on behalf of the MSC Sisters.